IYT Has Removed The Daylight Hours Restriction On Flotilla & Bareboat Skipper Certificates

Previously, IYT had enforced a restriction of “daylight hours” on the Flotilla and Bareboat Skipper Certificates, due to charter companies not permitting boat operation after sundown. However, IYT has now removed this restriction and has decided to leave the decision up to the individual charter companies. This means that those who hold the Flotilla and Bareboat Skipper Certificates will no longer be restricted to operating solely during daylight hours, providing greater flexibility for those wishing to charter a boat.

In case you possess a Flotilla or Bareboat Skipper Certificate that limits your sailing activities to daylight hours and wish to have this constraint removed, you can apply for a duplicate certificate online. The newly issued certificate will not contain this limitation. However, if you don’t plan to charter in Europe or if the restriction of “daylight hours” doesn’t affect your sailing plans, you should be aware that the renewal of your certificate will automatically remove this constraint without any action required on your part.


Previously, those seeking to charter a boat in Europe could typically rely on an International Certificate of Competency (ICC) as evidence of their ability to safely operate a vessel. However, we have recently become aware of a growing number of European charter and insurance companies that will not accept an ICC as sufficient proof for commanding a yacht during a one-week bareboat charter, whether powered or sailed.

Instead, these companies are insisting that charterers hold an IYT International Flotilla Skipper or IYT International Bareboat Skipper qualification, whether powered or sailed, or an equivalent qualification that is on their approved list. The rationale behind this shift in policy is that these companies are not comfortable handing over an expensive yacht to someone whom they believe is not adequately qualified to operate it safely for the entire duration of the charter.

It is important for those seeking to charter a boat in Europe to be aware of these new requirements and to ensure that they possess the appropriate qualifications before embarking on their charter adventure.

Some customers have had their charters cancelled because they have only held an ICC. It is imperative that you check with your charter company in advance of your charter to make sure that you hold the required qualifications.  

IYT highly recommends holding both Flotilla Skipper or higher as well as the ICC to avoid any issues when chartering or operating vessels in European waters and harbours.

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